"We love to visit Israel's capital, Yerushalay___." "__im." Yay.
"The highest mountain is Israel is the Her___." "___mon." Yay.
They have some entertainment (I'll get back to that) and they give presents to the soldiers of their area.
At the end of the Yom HaAtzmaut program, each gan (preschool class) sends pint-sized representatives to join the teacher in presenting a box of goodies to the soldiers. Usually the box is filled with fun food, toiletries and specialty items that the army might not provide to soldiers. If enough preschools are represented, the soldiers take a pretty good haul back to the base. :)
At our local Preschool Independence Day celebration in the Efrat Community Center, I was lucky enough to be part of the entertainment.
After we marched, we went into the crowd and pulled out little children to march with us too, and the result was tremendously great fun. The children cheered. The women soldiers who were present said that we were very professional. :) This actually prompted the MC of the second performance to call the IDF soldiers, the "real soldiers" and we were the "volunteer dancing lady 'soldiers'." If you'd have seen me in a kumta (Army cap) over my headscarf and black pants under my skirt, plus a long-sleeved shirt under my Army t-shirt, I think you wouldn't have confused me with a soldier. Then again, maybe if you were three years old...
The teachers said we were wonderful. Yay. What a way to celebrate Rosh Chodesh!! What a great preview of Yom HaAtzmaut to come!! We had such a terrific time with the kids, we already asked the head of the program to invite us back again next year.
Happy Israeli Independence Day!!!
Be part of the Children's Independence Day. Watch here: http://www.voices-magazine.com/index.php?page=inside_page&id=189
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