I lost two items.
1 - My comics. No, not Archies or Superman, the comics that I drew of my granddaughters. Last year, I joined a comics group and drew my own cartoons, called, "Bati's Girls," starring my three two-year-old baby granddaughters. We had an exhibition at the end of the school year, and then after I brought my drawings home, they disappeared.
2 - My cellphone. Actually, not having my cell phone was like a vacation to me, but I was missing some very vital numbers, so I really needed it back.
I was on the phone with my niece in America when I told her that I lost my comics and my cellphone, and she put down the phone and disappeared for a moment. When she returned, she said, "You want your phone back, repeat after me. Eloka d'Meir Aneini (G-d of Meir answer me.)" I repeated after her, but wondered what it was all about.
"Now", she said, "you have to give tzedakah, and you'll find what you lost."
I hung up from her and gave tzedakah, and two minutes later the phone turned up. I kid you not. I almost fainted from surprise.
What was that all about?
Well, I attest to the fact that it works!!!
To find out more about Rabbi Meir, read here: http://heichalhanegina.blogspot.com/2007/05/rabbi-meir-baal-haness-rabbi-yehuda-bar.html
It does work. Amazing...