After my son Natah received a book on the Four Species of Sukkot for his Bar Mitzvah (about 12 years ago), all my sons cut open their etrogim to find THE PERFECT etrog, as detailed in the book.
One of them, a Yemenite, was absolutely magnificent and perfect down to the very last detail in the book. My husband cut out the seeds and began growing them. We started with 50 seeds. Thirty-six actually made it. First there were just "pitsel" roots, then teeny plants, then little plants, then medium plants.
Israel made a hot house for them, sprayed them, babied them, talked to them. My kids said, "If we're already growing them, we should grow them FOR A REASON." They wanted to grow etrog trees for Ahavat Yisrael (brotherly love).
We decided that when they were big enough, we would auction them off for charities of all kinds - secular, religious, old, young, school, yeshivot, organizations of all kinds. When the auction was over, 22 charities received checks and were very thrilled when they heard our story.
Now our trees have grown, B"H (thank G-d), and we harvested their fruits. After Israel had cut off enough for our family, we looked up at the trees and saw other etrogim waiting to be picked. We decided on the spot to continue the plan we had started - HARVEST THE ETROGIM FOR AHAVAT YISRAEL.
After we have distributed our family etrogim, we are going to AUCTION off the remaining etrogim. All the monies from this auction will be divided and sent to different tzedakahs in Israel - across the spectrum of the Jewish people.
We hope in this way to do our small bit to unite our brethren in ahavat yisrael (love of one another).

The etrogim are all different sizes, but they were raised with love and holiness.
If you would like to bid on an etrog, please write to . The highest bidders will use our Ahavat Yisrael etrogim on Sukkot, IY"H.
Gmar chatima tova. May you be inscribed in the book of life for a happy, healthy, safe and blessed new year.
PS - IY"H, I hope to have a video up later today of our etrog harvest - .
since you mention here a video, thanks for including quirky me in your video on the Bloggers Conference
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