Thursday, September 24, 2009

Etrog Auction Underway

From the moment their beautiful green leaves began stretching out, our etrogim were grown, over the past 12 years, for the unity of the Jewish people through charity donated from their sale to many different tzedakahs - covering every spectrum of Jewish life.
So, it seemed natural to continue to dedicate this blessed fruit to that purpose.

Yesterday, I wrote that we harvested our etrogim and decided on the spot to donate the abundant crop to charity (after my family picks their own, of course :) ).

We even began AN ETROG UNITY AUCTION on line.

I wanted to give you all a chance to participate as well. Firstly, you can watch this video to see what it's all about:

Then, if you'd like to bid on an etrog, write to .

All the monies raised by these etrogim will be used for varied charities of all kinds in our hopes that these beautiful fruits will bring blessing to Am Yisrael even after the holiday of Sukkot.
Gmar chatima tova.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Darling, you're a real blogger, since you have been Tagged!
