Monday, September 21, 2009

Heavenly and Earthly Justice

I absolutely cannot think of a more brilliant evening between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur than the one I just experienced.
HaRav Zev Leff, chief rabbi of Matityahu, spoke tonight in Bet Knesset Tiferet Avot about teshuva, Divine punishment and Divine forgiveness. Rav Leff's talk was absolutely inspirational (and humorous). The Rav gave us insight into why Hashem forgives us again and again, even though we might repeat the same sins.
Exerpts from Rav Leff's talk will be available tomorrow, IY"H, on VOICES-TV on the website.
After Rav Leff finished speaking, there was a totally unrelated emergency appeal for the Honenu organization. Honenu defends Jews who are arrested by the government for protesting policies of evacuation and destruction, for defending their land, or (as in the case of the Halamish brothers) for defending their town against Arabs.
Danny Halamish, who served seven months in prison, for answering a call of the First Responders of Maaleh Rechavam when Arabs were infiltrating their hamlet, spoke to us. The suffering he, his brother and their families have known at the hand of human justice was more than upsetting - terrifying, shaking.
As I left the shul, I thanked Hashem that He (the Judge of all Judges, the King of all Kings) would be the one judging me, and no earthly tribunal. His Justice and Mercy are true and unshakable.
I can only pray that one day soon, life in Israel will be as Hashem intended it to be, and the Jewish People will unite and walk together on the golden path that G-d has set out for us.

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