Well, I don't really want there to be a storm until Sukkot is over, but this morning - the day after Yom Kippur - everything seemed to be hushed. Not just quiet, but sort of like everyone was laying low.
We all did our best yesterday. We prayed. We cried. We banged our chests. We were hungry. We were inspired. We sang, "Next year in Jerusalem."
We all hope that Hashem, the G-d Above, will grant us a happy healthy peaceful and prosperous new year. So, why the hush? How come my phone's not ringing every ten seconds like usual? How come it seems a bit quieter outside too?
I think that perhaps after Yom Kippur is over - after we've spent an entire day as I explained above involved in worrying about our souls and our lives, we can't just "go to the Mall" or "put the pedal to the metal" at work. We've got to breath a little, thank G-d for our lives, check in with our family and friends, and then ease back into the real world.
Many men pick up their hammers as soon as the bagels are finished at Break-Fast. That's their way of saying, "I can't wait the 'game' just yet," or "No, I don't want the newspaper." "Let's clinch the deal with G-d by really starting out on the right foot - straight away with another mitzvah. I'm not going in to rest. I'm going outside to build."
So, we had a calm day today, and everyone's just kinda hugging and wishing each other the best. and taking it easy.
Tomorrow the action begins - back to work, more banging on the sukkah, planning holiday menus and organizing Chol HaMoed (intermediate holiday days) activities for the kids.
So, Sukkot is the storm - an exciting good storm of family and visiting and singing and "rejoicing in the holiday."
And then when it's all over, let it rain, let it pour, let the heavens bless us with W-A-T-E-R. And I for one will lead the "singing in the rain."
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Flying Over A Perfect World
On Friday morning, my husband Israel and I had the experience of a lifetime. We flew in a private Cessna Plane over the eastern coast of Israel. Our pilot, Avi Silas, eased us into the cockpit by explaining the dynamics of flying and how the plane actually works. The explanations were fascinating, but the actual flight was beyond anything I would have imagined.
I've flown over Israel before, but only to land at Ben Gurion on my way home, never for the sake of flying and seeing our beautiful land. Avi took off from Herzelia, flew us over the Ra'anana Amphitheater, then up the coast over Netanya, Hadera, Caesaria, the Pre-State Atleet Detention Camp, Haifa and back again. He pointed out the landmarks of each place, and even dipped a wing once in a while so we could get a better view.
We wore headsets and mikes so that we can talk with one another, and we could even hear air traffic control. As they signed off from each pilot, they said, "Shabbat shalom. Gmar chatima tova." You don't hear that in Kennedy or O'Haire Airports.
Avi Silas is an engineer by trade, but his passion is flying. Having now clocked an hour in flight with him, I understand the enchantment. Avi said, "From above, everything in Israel looks perfect." And so it does. From above, there are no dissensions or troubles, just perfect square buildings, deep and rich colored farmland, patches of trees and tracts of agriculture.
You can fly along with us on VoicesTV, by clicking on http://voices-magazine.com/voices-videos.php?id=35 .
This Shabbat, we read the parasha (chapter) of Haazinu, in which Hashem said to Moses, "Ascend to this mount of Abarim, Mount Nebo...and see the Land of Canaan that I give to the Children of Israel as an inheritance..." (Deuteronomy 32:48)
I had always felt so heartbroken at this passage. Moshe, who loved the Land of Israel more than anything, was unable to enter. Now, however, I realize that Hashem gave Moshe a special gift. He was able to see Israel like we did last week - in a perfect state - with no imperfections, troubles or dissensions. Hashem let Moses see Israel at its best. That must have been very comforting.
It also made me appreciate my beautiful Land even more, and to thank Hashem for not only having the opportunity to see it from above, but hopefully help contribute to making it that perfect Israel that Moses saw.
Tomorrow night is Yom Kippur. May we achieve true repentance and be blessed with a Shana Tova - a happy healthy safe and prosperous new year.
I've flown over Israel before, but only to land at Ben Gurion on my way home, never for the sake of flying and seeing our beautiful land. Avi took off from Herzelia, flew us over the Ra'anana Amphitheater, then up the coast over Netanya, Hadera, Caesaria, the Pre-State Atleet Detention Camp, Haifa and back again. He pointed out the landmarks of each place, and even dipped a wing once in a while so we could get a better view.
We wore headsets and mikes so that we can talk with one another, and we could even hear air traffic control. As they signed off from each pilot, they said, "Shabbat shalom. Gmar chatima tova." You don't hear that in Kennedy or O'Haire Airports.
Avi Silas is an engineer by trade, but his passion is flying. Having now clocked an hour in flight with him, I understand the enchantment. Avi said, "From above, everything in Israel looks perfect." And so it does. From above, there are no dissensions or troubles, just perfect square buildings, deep and rich colored farmland, patches of trees and tracts of agriculture.
You can fly along with us on VoicesTV, by clicking on http://voices-magazine.com/voices-videos.php?id=35 .
This Shabbat, we read the parasha (chapter) of Haazinu, in which Hashem said to Moses, "Ascend to this mount of Abarim, Mount Nebo...and see the Land of Canaan that I give to the Children of Israel as an inheritance..." (Deuteronomy 32:48)
I had always felt so heartbroken at this passage. Moshe, who loved the Land of Israel more than anything, was unable to enter. Now, however, I realize that Hashem gave Moshe a special gift. He was able to see Israel like we did last week - in a perfect state - with no imperfections, troubles or dissensions. Hashem let Moses see Israel at its best. That must have been very comforting.
It also made me appreciate my beautiful Land even more, and to thank Hashem for not only having the opportunity to see it from above, but hopefully help contribute to making it that perfect Israel that Moses saw.
Tomorrow night is Yom Kippur. May we achieve true repentance and be blessed with a Shana Tova - a happy healthy safe and prosperous new year.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Etrog Auction Underway
So, it seemed natural to continue to dedicate this blessed fruit to that purpose.
Yesterday, I wrote that we harvested our etrogim and decided on the spot to donate the abundant crop to charity (after my family picks their own, of course :) ).
We even began AN ETROG UNITY AUCTION on line.
I wanted to give you all a chance to participate as well. Firstly, you can watch this video to see what it's all about:
Then, if you'd like to bid on an etrog, write to voices@actcom.co.il .
All the monies raised by these etrogim will be used for varied charities of all kinds in our hopes that these beautiful fruits will bring blessing to Am Yisrael even after the holiday of Sukkot.
Gmar chatima tova.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Mitzvah Tree
After my son Natah received a book on the Four Species of Sukkot for his Bar Mitzvah (about 12 years ago), all my sons cut open their etrogim to find THE PERFECT etrog, as detailed in the book.
One of them, a Yemenite, was absolutely magnificent and perfect down to the very last detail in the book. My husband cut out the seeds and began growing them. We started with 50 seeds. Thirty-six actually made it. First there were just "pitsel" roots, then teeny plants, then little plants, then medium plants.
Israel made a hot house for them, sprayed them, babied them, talked to them. My kids said, "If we're already growing them, we should grow them FOR A REASON." They wanted to grow etrog trees for Ahavat Yisrael (brotherly love).
We decided that when they were big enough, we would auction them off for charities of all kinds - secular, religious, old, young, school, yeshivot, organizations of all kinds. When the auction was over, 22 charities received checks and were very thrilled when they heard our story.
Now our trees have grown, B"H (thank G-d), and we harvested their fruits. After Israel had cut off enough for our family, we looked up at the trees and saw other etrogim waiting to be picked. We decided on the spot to continue the plan we had started - HARVEST THE ETROGIM FOR AHAVAT YISRAEL.
After we have distributed our family etrogim, we are going to AUCTION off the remaining etrogim. All the monies from this auction will be divided and sent to different tzedakahs in Israel - across the spectrum of the Jewish people.
We hope in this way to do our small bit to unite our brethren in ahavat yisrael (love of one another).

The etrogim are all different sizes, but they were raised with love and holiness.
If you would like to bid on an etrog, please write to voices@actcom.co.il . The highest bidders will use our Ahavat Yisrael etrogim on Sukkot, IY"H.
Gmar chatima tova. May you be inscribed in the book of life for a happy, healthy, safe and blessed new year.
PS - IY"H, I hope to have a video up later today of our etrog harvest - www.voices-magazine.com .
Amen to That
Before Rosh Hashana, I asked the folks on my town's email list to send me the names of their friends and family that needed prayers for good health. There were so many names submitted, I thought, "We are in major need of an Amen party here."
Amen parties include prayers for the ill, as well as prayers for prosperity, fertility, happy marriages, and just about anything else you can think of. Women announce what they're praying for (or say their prayer quietly to themselves) and then make a blessing on a food. Everyone says Amen - amen to the wish and amen to the blessing.
Tonight's Amen party was a very emotional one. The economic crisis has caused many folks we know to lose their jobs. The high number of cholim (sick individuals) is heartbreaking for all. Plus everyone knew someone (or many someones) who needed to find a spouse, or who needed happiness and peace in their married lives.
In addition to the above, we prayed for the Israeli soldiers who were missing in action, for Gilad Shalit and Jonathan Pollard. We prayed for unity of the Jewish people, for brotherly love and G-d's merciful kindness.
We prayed for each other, and we even prayed for you.
One of the women explained that when a person prays for someone else's needs, G-d rewards them by answering their own needs first. And she blessed the women present that the One Above bless them and answer all their prayers for the good.
AMEN to that.
Amen parties include prayers for the ill, as well as prayers for prosperity, fertility, happy marriages, and just about anything else you can think of. Women announce what they're praying for (or say their prayer quietly to themselves) and then make a blessing on a food. Everyone says Amen - amen to the wish and amen to the blessing.
Tonight's Amen party was a very emotional one. The economic crisis has caused many folks we know to lose their jobs. The high number of cholim (sick individuals) is heartbreaking for all. Plus everyone knew someone (or many someones) who needed to find a spouse, or who needed happiness and peace in their married lives.
In addition to the above, we prayed for the Israeli soldiers who were missing in action, for Gilad Shalit and Jonathan Pollard. We prayed for unity of the Jewish people, for brotherly love and G-d's merciful kindness.
We prayed for each other, and we even prayed for you.
One of the women explained that when a person prays for someone else's needs, G-d rewards them by answering their own needs first. And she blessed the women present that the One Above bless them and answer all their prayers for the good.
AMEN to that.
No Houses, No House
While dropping my daughter off at school today, I noticed two tents standing next to the High Court of Justice building. The first was a large tent of the Local Council heads (Mayors) throughout the country, as well as Judea and Samaria. They were protesting the threatened freeze in housing in Yesha (Yehuda and Shomron).
With pressure from the US Obama Administration, the Israeli government is expected to continue the freeze on construction in Judea and Samaria. This is a strangle hold on Yesha communities, that would grow exponentially if the next generation could only find living space in their home towns.
I entered the tent. Mayors were chatting with one another, reading the news on the internet or flipping through the newspapers.
I had a chance to speak with Moshe Yogev, treasurer of the Amana Settlement Organization, which builds communities in Yesha. Moshe believes that if there's enough public pressure, just as Bibi continued on the Zionist path and built Har Homa, he will indeed build up Judea and Samaria.
As I left the large bustling tent, I noticed a small tent standing in its shadow. A man with a t-shirt was sitting at a small table outside the tent. Walking closer, I saw the sign at his feet. In Hebrew, it said, "We have no home."
I called out to him, "You have no home??" He said, "Correct." I asked if I could talk with him, and he said, "Of course."
Aviv Ben Arbon is a disabled father of six. He has been living outside in the street in three tents with his wife and children for the past month. Every day the children go to school, and his wife goes to her part-time job, while Aviv sits in the tent, writing letters and calling government and city officials for help. He says he recently won a court case, which called upon the Housing Ministry to find him a place to live. So far, they've told him there's nothing available, and he's still on the street.
Aviv noted that there's something very wrong with a country that: doesn't allow its own Jewish communities to build homes for their citizens, and is booming with building in its capital that is aimed at luxury buyers, while the needy are homeless.
Friends, we cannot rest comfortably in our homes while our young people have no where to live, while our poor and needy are homeless.
We must contact our Knesset Members and the Ministry of Housing, and demand housing for those who need it. We must demand the right of every citizen of every country in the world - shelter.
As we enter this new year, we pray that construction will spread throughout Judea, Samaria and all of Israel for our next generation and all those who are looking for a home to call their own. And we pray that Aviv Ben Arbon and his family will soon have a real roof over their heads.
You can see videos of both tents at http://www.voices-magazine.com/ .
With pressure from the US Obama Administration, the Israeli government is expected to continue the freeze on construction in Judea and Samaria. This is a strangle hold on Yesha communities, that would grow exponentially if the next generation could only find living space in their home towns.
I entered the tent. Mayors were chatting with one another, reading the news on the internet or flipping through the newspapers.
I had a chance to speak with Moshe Yogev, treasurer of the Amana Settlement Organization, which builds communities in Yesha. Moshe believes that if there's enough public pressure, just as Bibi continued on the Zionist path and built Har Homa, he will indeed build up Judea and Samaria.
As I left the large bustling tent, I noticed a small tent standing in its shadow. A man with a t-shirt was sitting at a small table outside the tent. Walking closer, I saw the sign at his feet. In Hebrew, it said, "We have no home."
Aviv Ben Arbon is a disabled father of six. He has been living outside in the street in three tents with his wife and children for the past month. Every day the children go to school, and his wife goes to her part-time job, while Aviv sits in the tent, writing letters and calling government and city officials for help. He says he recently won a court case, which called upon the Housing Ministry to find him a place to live. So far, they've told him there's nothing available, and he's still on the street.
Aviv noted that there's something very wrong with a country that: doesn't allow its own Jewish communities to build homes for their citizens, and is booming with building in its capital that is aimed at luxury buyers, while the needy are homeless.
Friends, we cannot rest comfortably in our homes while our young people have no where to live, while our poor and needy are homeless.
We must contact our Knesset Members and the Ministry of Housing, and demand housing for those who need it. We must demand the right of every citizen of every country in the world - shelter.
As we enter this new year, we pray that construction will spread throughout Judea, Samaria and all of Israel for our next generation and all those who are looking for a home to call their own. And we pray that Aviv Ben Arbon and his family will soon have a real roof over their heads.
You can see videos of both tents at http://www.voices-magazine.com/ .
Monday, September 21, 2009
Heavenly and Earthly Justice
I absolutely cannot think of a more brilliant evening between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur than the one I just experienced.
HaRav Zev Leff, chief rabbi of Matityahu, spoke tonight in Bet Knesset Tiferet Avot about teshuva, Divine punishment and Divine forgiveness. Rav Leff's talk was absolutely inspirational (and humorous). The Rav gave us insight into why Hashem forgives us again and again, even though we might repeat the same sins.
Exerpts from Rav Leff's talk will be available tomorrow, IY"H, on VOICES-TV on the www.voices-magazine.com website.
After Rav Leff finished speaking, there was a totally unrelated emergency appeal for the Honenu organization. Honenu defends Jews who are arrested by the government for protesting policies of evacuation and destruction, for defending their land, or (as in the case of the Halamish brothers) for defending their town against Arabs.
Danny Halamish, who served seven months in prison, for answering a call of the First Responders of Maaleh Rechavam when Arabs were infiltrating their hamlet, spoke to us. The suffering he, his brother and their families have known at the hand of human justice was more than upsetting - terrifying, shaking.
As I left the shul, I thanked Hashem that He (the Judge of all Judges, the King of all Kings) would be the one judging me, and no earthly tribunal. His Justice and Mercy are true and unshakable.
I can only pray that one day soon, life in Israel will be as Hashem intended it to be, and the Jewish People will unite and walk together on the golden path that G-d has set out for us.
HaRav Zev Leff, chief rabbi of Matityahu, spoke tonight in Bet Knesset Tiferet Avot about teshuva, Divine punishment and Divine forgiveness. Rav Leff's talk was absolutely inspirational (and humorous). The Rav gave us insight into why Hashem forgives us again and again, even though we might repeat the same sins.
Exerpts from Rav Leff's talk will be available tomorrow, IY"H, on VOICES-TV on the www.voices-magazine.com website.
After Rav Leff finished speaking, there was a totally unrelated emergency appeal for the Honenu organization. Honenu defends Jews who are arrested by the government for protesting policies of evacuation and destruction, for defending their land, or (as in the case of the Halamish brothers) for defending their town against Arabs.
Danny Halamish, who served seven months in prison, for answering a call of the First Responders of Maaleh Rechavam when Arabs were infiltrating their hamlet, spoke to us. The suffering he, his brother and their families have known at the hand of human justice was more than upsetting - terrifying, shaking.
As I left the shul, I thanked Hashem that He (the Judge of all Judges, the King of all Kings) would be the one judging me, and no earthly tribunal. His Justice and Mercy are true and unshakable.
I can only pray that one day soon, life in Israel will be as Hashem intended it to be, and the Jewish People will unite and walk together on the golden path that G-d has set out for us.
Comics, yes, funny too
I just got back from my newest club - COMICS. My teacher is fabulous cartoonist, Shlomi Tcharka. Readers of Otiot and other magazines surely know him. Talented. Patient. Smart. Brother of comic superstar Shai Tcharka. WHAT DID THEIR MOTHER EAT when she was pregnant with these two?
Three pre-teen boys were sitting at the art tables, when I walked into the chug for the first time, and I thought I saw their eyes pop right out of their heads. I thought I heard it too. Really, there was some kind of popping sound. P-O-P. "Middle Aged Mother Scares Off Comics Students"
But I kept a low profile, and they got through the first class without fleeing for their lives. I'm sure it made our teacher relieved too.
Tonight was our second session. We had to draw characatures. I picked the young man opposite me, and the youngest boy at the end of the table, pulled his chair right up to mine and started sketching. His sketch was great. Mine was pretty good too. I even remembered to put in my subject's freckles. So, we ended this class with everyone laughing, and I guess I'm not so scary to them any more.
COMICS is a great activity. I'm really loving it. It might launch me on yet another career. Of course, I'd need another four hours a day for it, but I'll find that time somewhere.
PS - I'm going to give you a free lesson. Draw a character. If you want him to be sympathetic or funny, use circles. If you want him to be a bad guy, use angles. Send me your samples. We'll compare.
Three pre-teen boys were sitting at the art tables, when I walked into the chug for the first time, and I thought I saw their eyes pop right out of their heads. I thought I heard it too. Really, there was some kind of popping sound. P-O-P. "Middle Aged Mother Scares Off Comics Students"
But I kept a low profile, and they got through the first class without fleeing for their lives. I'm sure it made our teacher relieved too.
Tonight was our second session. We had to draw characatures. I picked the young man opposite me, and the youngest boy at the end of the table, pulled his chair right up to mine and started sketching. His sketch was great. Mine was pretty good too. I even remembered to put in my subject's freckles. So, we ended this class with everyone laughing, and I guess I'm not so scary to them any more.
COMICS is a great activity. I'm really loving it. It might launch me on yet another career. Of course, I'd need another four hours a day for it, but I'll find that time somewhere.
PS - I'm going to give you a free lesson. Draw a character. If you want him to be sympathetic or funny, use circles. If you want him to be a bad guy, use angles. Send me your samples. We'll compare.
LUV this time of the year
Shana tova to all. We're back after a very inspiring holiday.
This Rosh Hashana season is really my favorite time of year - not only because I get to cleanse myself of my sins (or at least try), but because in my neighborhood, it's the time we share the "Fruits of our Labor".
One of the special things about living in Israel is the beautiful fruit that we grow right in our own backyards. One neighbor has sabras and pomegranates. Another has plums, figs and apples. We've got pears and parsimons.
And erev Rosh Hashana, everyone was out with his basket of fruits, delighting the neighbors with their gifts of good will and delicious fruit.
Our pair tree gave 30 little fruits this year, and we were so excited to share them. Our next-door neighbor's figs and apples were drippy-sweet.
I can't wait for Sukkot, IY"H, so that I can have the pleasure of watching my husband and sons march off to shul with the etrogim (citron fruits) that come from our own tree.
Well, I guess we can't be surprised. We live in Gush ETZ (tree)ion, so if we can't grow fantabulastic stuff on our trees, who can?
This Rosh Hashana season is really my favorite time of year - not only because I get to cleanse myself of my sins (or at least try), but because in my neighborhood, it's the time we share the "Fruits of our Labor".
One of the special things about living in Israel is the beautiful fruit that we grow right in our own backyards. One neighbor has sabras and pomegranates. Another has plums, figs and apples. We've got pears and parsimons.
And erev Rosh Hashana, everyone was out with his basket of fruits, delighting the neighbors with their gifts of good will and delicious fruit.
Our pair tree gave 30 little fruits this year, and we were so excited to share them. Our next-door neighbor's figs and apples were drippy-sweet.
I can't wait for Sukkot, IY"H, so that I can have the pleasure of watching my husband and sons march off to shul with the etrogim (citron fruits) that come from our own tree.
Well, I guess we can't be surprised. We live in Gush ETZ (tree)ion, so if we can't grow fantabulastic stuff on our trees, who can?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Welcoming Olim
Tonight my synagogue, Tiferet Avot, held an evening to welcome the women who moved to Israel with their families this year. Truth to tell, there were more WELCOMERS than there were NEWCOMERS, but the stories around the table were fabulous.
We truly were a gathering of women from the four corners of the earth - Germany, England, South Africa, Australia, US, Canada. The oldest among us was also an Olah Chadash (new immigrant) once - in 1937, when she fled Germany with her parents. She speaks a great Hebrew. I guess there's hope for the rest of us - in another 50 years or so, we all should be totally fluent.
It was very strengthening to see that each woman has carved out her own niche in our community - as teachers, therapists, translators, scientists, craftswomen, you name it.
We wish lots of good luck to newcomers and veterans, and together, IY"H, we hope to build an Israel of peace, prosperity and pride.
We truly were a gathering of women from the four corners of the earth - Germany, England, South Africa, Australia, US, Canada. The oldest among us was also an Olah Chadash (new immigrant) once - in 1937, when she fled Germany with her parents. She speaks a great Hebrew. I guess there's hope for the rest of us - in another 50 years or so, we all should be totally fluent.
It was very strengthening to see that each woman has carved out her own niche in our community - as teachers, therapists, translators, scientists, craftswomen, you name it.
We wish lots of good luck to newcomers and veterans, and together, IY"H, we hope to build an Israel of peace, prosperity and pride.

That was quick. Wow, folks really pop up fast in this internet world.
I have been asked to post my editorial from my Rosh Hashana issue of VOICES on my blog. So, here it is.
The cover photo of this issue of VOICES Magazine, taken by Voices Publisher Israel Katz, shows only a portion of the new olim that have moved to Efrat. We wish them and olim everywhere a blessed life in our Holy Land. You have made the right choice in joining your future with that of our People in our Land. Together, IY”H, may we go forward building Eretz Yisrael, strengthening our nation and bringing glory to our Torah and the path that Hashem has laid our for Am Yisrael.
Learning from the Other Side
There are many things we can learn from the Arabs. Their PR and creative ideas are endless.
* The Arabs have succeeded in making everyone speak the language of their lexicon - Har HaBayit is no longer referred to solely as the site of the Jewish’s people Holy Temple, but as the Arab’s “Haram al Sharif, the Temple Mount, the site where Jews claim their Temple stood.” The world doesn’t say only Jerusalem any more, but Jerusalem and its Arab name “Al Quds”, (which actually means Holy City). Shouldn’t we say, “Jerusalem the Holy City”?!
We should insist that the world (including Israel’s media) speak our language. We should demand that they term the “West Bank” as “Judea and Samaria”, that they recognize “Arab bombers and gunmen” as “terrorists” instead of “activists” or “militants”. We should demand that they call “settlers” “pioneers”.
* The Arabs won’t compromise on Jerusalem or their claim to any of the Land. They want the whole thing (look at their maps), and they want to bring millions of Arabs to live here too.
We should be as steadfast. We should not compromise on any part of our capital Jerusalem - west or east. We should not compromise on any of Judea or Samaria. This is our Land! It is our eternal G-d given inheritance. And every one of us (as well as our government) should push as hard as we can to bring millions of Jews to live here.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is working on getting the world to agree that Israel is the “Land of the Jewish People”. Good first step, sir. Well, all of Israel is the Land of the Jewish People. If we’re being technical, parts of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria belong to us too.
And if the Arabs want to bring other Arabs to live here, how much more so should we, the Jewish People, be determined to bring our brethren to every part of Eretz Yisrael. (BTW, humongous kudos to Israel’s Aliyah folks and Nefesh B’Nefesh for giving incentives to olim families to live in the Galil, which chas v’shalom, will be lost to the Jewish People unless major steps are taken there to save northern Israel.)
* Next, Arabs build and build, and spread out through the Land. They forge ahead, floor by floor, house by house, and they just do it. So, while we say, “Oy, do you think we’ll get a permit today,” they’re on the next floor of their latest building.
And you know what? Despite Jewish protests over rampant illegal Arab construction, their construction continues unchecked. Everyday, we look out the window while driving on our roads, and see yet another Arab house being completed.
Meanwhile, the Jewish people are squished into neighborhoods that can’t expand without permits upon permits upon permits that ultimately have to be signed by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, and okayed by US President Barak Hussein Obama.
As Voices went to press, Prime Minister Netanyahu had announced that he would okay construction in some communities now, to get the tractors rolling, before he puts a freeze on Jewish building.
But even 455 housing units don’t make a dent in the need for affordable housing in Yesha for our next generation.
I only pray that once those tractors start the building process in Yehuda and Shomron, they will never stop, until there is a home for all of our children and grandchildren, and those Jews who IY”H, are coming home.
* Arabs are forbidden from selling land or housing to Jews.
On this count, B”H, we’re finally getting smart too. After decades of hearing Moslem clerics announce the torturous punishments to be imposed upon any Arab who would sell real estate to a Jew, we finally have a group of rabbis meeting to discuss banning Jews from selling homes to Arabs. (No torturous punishments, chas v’shalom, but I’m in favor of a rabbinic ruling that Jews must sell only to Jews suits me fine.)
In many areas, this has become a matter of Pikuach nefesh, especially in Jerusalem neighborhoods like French Hill and Pisgat Ze’ev, where Jews are afraid to walk on their streets at night, because of local Arab gangs. And in areas like Haifa, Lod, Acco, plus of course, the Galil (where only a few months ago in August, Arabs from the Persian Gulf bought hundreds of dunams of farm land).
May the coming year be one in which the Jewish People expand across their land, and strengthen every neighborhood and hilltop.
We should insist that the world (including Israel’s media) speak our language. We should demand that they term the “West Bank” as “Judea and Samaria”, that they recognize “Arab bombers and gunmen” as “terrorists” instead of “activists” or “militants”. We should demand that they call “settlers” “pioneers”.
* The Arabs won’t compromise on Jerusalem or their claim to any of the Land. They want the whole thing (look at their maps), and they want to bring millions of Arabs to live here too.
We should be as steadfast. We should not compromise on any part of our capital Jerusalem - west or east. We should not compromise on any of Judea or Samaria. This is our Land! It is our eternal G-d given inheritance. And every one of us (as well as our government) should push as hard as we can to bring millions of Jews to live here.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is working on getting the world to agree that Israel is the “Land of the Jewish People”. Good first step, sir. Well, all of Israel is the Land of the Jewish People. If we’re being technical, parts of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria belong to us too.
And if the Arabs want to bring other Arabs to live here, how much more so should we, the Jewish People, be determined to bring our brethren to every part of Eretz Yisrael. (BTW, humongous kudos to Israel’s Aliyah folks and Nefesh B’Nefesh for giving incentives to olim families to live in the Galil, which chas v’shalom, will be lost to the Jewish People unless major steps are taken there to save northern Israel.)
* Next, Arabs build and build, and spread out through the Land. They forge ahead, floor by floor, house by house, and they just do it. So, while we say, “Oy, do you think we’ll get a permit today,” they’re on the next floor of their latest building.
And you know what? Despite Jewish protests over rampant illegal Arab construction, their construction continues unchecked. Everyday, we look out the window while driving on our roads, and see yet another Arab house being completed.
Meanwhile, the Jewish people are squished into neighborhoods that can’t expand without permits upon permits upon permits that ultimately have to be signed by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, and okayed by US President Barak Hussein Obama.
As Voices went to press, Prime Minister Netanyahu had announced that he would okay construction in some communities now, to get the tractors rolling, before he puts a freeze on Jewish building.
But even 455 housing units don’t make a dent in the need for affordable housing in Yesha for our next generation.
I only pray that once those tractors start the building process in Yehuda and Shomron, they will never stop, until there is a home for all of our children and grandchildren, and those Jews who IY”H, are coming home.
* Arabs are forbidden from selling land or housing to Jews.
On this count, B”H, we’re finally getting smart too. After decades of hearing Moslem clerics announce the torturous punishments to be imposed upon any Arab who would sell real estate to a Jew, we finally have a group of rabbis meeting to discuss banning Jews from selling homes to Arabs. (No torturous punishments, chas v’shalom, but I’m in favor of a rabbinic ruling that Jews must sell only to Jews suits me fine.)
In many areas, this has become a matter of Pikuach nefesh, especially in Jerusalem neighborhoods like French Hill and Pisgat Ze’ev, where Jews are afraid to walk on their streets at night, because of local Arab gangs. And in areas like Haifa, Lod, Acco, plus of course, the Galil (where only a few months ago in August, Arabs from the Persian Gulf bought hundreds of dunams of farm land).
May the coming year be one in which the Jewish People expand across their land, and strengthen every neighborhood and hilltop.
Expanding Voices
IY”H, as the New Year rolls in, Voices is expanding too – expanding its presence on the web. And IY”H, a web presence is just about limitless. http://www.voices-magazine.com/
I’ll never have to say, “Sorry, ran out of room.” The length and the amount of stories is not limited. Photo essays (one of my favorite Voices features) can be abundant, as well.
Best of all, VOICES Media - print, web, video, photography - is going to fulfill my personal dream of giving you, my dear readers and soon to be viewers, total accessibility to the media.
Every business can reach its public with affordable print and web advertising. We’ve even got affordable fun commercials for you.
All those human interest stories that I love about positive people throughout our country (in your neighborhood - when you clue me in), fabulous places in Israel and important events will be accessible for the world to see through Voices TV. Actually, maybe I’ll call it VTV.
For those of us from Gush Etzion/Efrat, we’ve got GE/E TV, or perhaps GTV - filled with all the local happenings and news that we can bring you without collapsing from exhaustion. (Catchy motto, eh?)
Further, we’re going to expand on our mission - showing folks what’s RIGHT about living in Israel.
Hopefully, one day soon, when you google “Israel”, instead of pages of Arab propaganda, you’ll come up with a positive video on the Voices website.
Our thanks to webmaster Beth Lanin for her hard work in actualizing our site, and WEJEW.COM for hosting our videos.
Accessibility and Affordability
Voices print magazine will continue in a new more compact format next month - with our editorial and selected stories. Its affordability will open the door to all potential advertisers, so that their message is more accessible to the public, IY”H. An expanded version of Voices will be found every month on the web. And you’ll be able to watch on-line interviews, an on-line editorial and chats with our columnists.
You’re going to love it. We want you to keep reading Voices, and we want you to watch Voices too. It’s all about you, well, all of us. It’s about our lives here, our love of Israel, our devotion to our brethren, our land and our Torah. Starting in the New Year, IY”H, I’m going to ask you to:
Numbers of Note
You’re going to love it. We want you to keep reading Voices, and we want you to watch Voices too. It’s all about you, well, all of us. It’s about our lives here, our love of Israel, our devotion to our brethren, our land and our Torah. Starting in the New Year, IY”H, I’m going to ask you to:
Numbers of Note
Before we end this issue, I wanted to point out some interesting statistics and numbers that popped up last month, courtesy of Israel National News.
Although PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas commented last month that Arab terror would continue unless “Jerusalem will be returned, clean of settlements and settlers,” the Jewish People are overwhelmingly united on preserving the unity of a Jewish Jerusalem. Israel National News reported that 66% of Israeli Jews believe that “Jerusalem in its entirety is Israel’s capital and that Israel’s right to build anywhere within the city is undisputable.”
Another interesting statistic, thanks to INN, “National religious soldiers from rural areas are the most motivated to serve in IDF combat units, but secular Tel Aviv youth are less interested.”
So, when your kids tell you that the majority of their commanders’ courses are made up of religious soldiers, who are both highly motivated and very idealistic, believe them.
Judea and Samaria Regional Commander Brigadier General Noam Tibon believes them. And he’s pretty concerned that these soldiers might not be happy to participate in any of the future evacuations the government might be planning.
He’s even put together guidelines to deal with soldiers who might refuse orders to remove their fellow Jews from their homes. Their number is estimated at 33% of the IDF!
And last numbers - 300,000 European citizens live in Israel today, with thousands in rocket range of Gaza. INN reported that a French EU citizen, currently living in Sderot, has gone to court to demand that the EU ensure his safety from rocket attack.
INN quoted the attorneys for Frenchman Eyal Katorza as saying that Article 3.5 of the European Treaty states that the EU will contribute to the protection of its citizens, even if they live abroad.
So, Katorza wants the EU to reinforce the buildings near Gaza and stop sending money to the PA in Gaza, which is funding terrorism. Kol hakavod, Mr. Katorza. That’s creative thinking!
Although PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas commented last month that Arab terror would continue unless “Jerusalem will be returned, clean of settlements and settlers,” the Jewish People are overwhelmingly united on preserving the unity of a Jewish Jerusalem. Israel National News reported that 66% of Israeli Jews believe that “Jerusalem in its entirety is Israel’s capital and that Israel’s right to build anywhere within the city is undisputable.”
Another interesting statistic, thanks to INN, “National religious soldiers from rural areas are the most motivated to serve in IDF combat units, but secular Tel Aviv youth are less interested.”
So, when your kids tell you that the majority of their commanders’ courses are made up of religious soldiers, who are both highly motivated and very idealistic, believe them.
Judea and Samaria Regional Commander Brigadier General Noam Tibon believes them. And he’s pretty concerned that these soldiers might not be happy to participate in any of the future evacuations the government might be planning.
He’s even put together guidelines to deal with soldiers who might refuse orders to remove their fellow Jews from their homes. Their number is estimated at 33% of the IDF!
And last numbers - 300,000 European citizens live in Israel today, with thousands in rocket range of Gaza. INN reported that a French EU citizen, currently living in Sderot, has gone to court to demand that the EU ensure his safety from rocket attack.
INN quoted the attorneys for Frenchman Eyal Katorza as saying that Article 3.5 of the European Treaty states that the EU will contribute to the protection of its citizens, even if they live abroad.
So, Katorza wants the EU to reinforce the buildings near Gaza and stop sending money to the PA in Gaza, which is funding terrorism. Kol hakavod, Mr. Katorza. That’s creative thinking!
Shana Tova
Friends, as Rosh Hashana quickly approaches, I wish each of you, Hashem’s choicest blessings. May Hashem keep you and your loved ones safe, healthy and prosperous. May He bring home Jonathan Pollard, Gilad Shalit, Amichai Steinmetz and all those Jews who need salvation. May He protect our Land and our communities. May our brethren from Gush Katif finally receive justice, proper employment and permanent housing. May we put an end to evacuations and destructions, and put our efforts into expansion and construction, IY”H.
Friends, there are many crises facing Am Yisrael.
Friends, as Rosh Hashana quickly approaches, I wish each of you, Hashem’s choicest blessings. May Hashem keep you and your loved ones safe, healthy and prosperous. May He bring home Jonathan Pollard, Gilad Shalit, Amichai Steinmetz and all those Jews who need salvation. May He protect our Land and our communities. May our brethren from Gush Katif finally receive justice, proper employment and permanent housing. May we put an end to evacuations and destructions, and put our efforts into expansion and construction, IY”H.
Friends, there are many crises facing Am Yisrael.
There is only one way to survive these trying
times - Achdut - by
uniting with our brethren, no matter the differences,
helping one another. Remember, we are family!
We’ve got to stick together and stick up for one another. It’s our only hope. We must stop hating one another for what we are, and because of our many differences. We must love one another for who we are, and because of our many commonalities.
Thank you to all those who included their Shana Tova greetings in this issue. Enjoy your yomanim! Your support of Voices gives us the encouragement to continue, even in difficult times. Your kindness will always be remembered. IY”H, here’s to a year of brotherhood and a year of building - our nation, our towns, our families, our spiritual selves and ultimately Our Holy Temple.
Shana Tova. IY”H, 5770 is going to be great. Let’s keep sharing good news. Please click on voices-magazine.com and help us tell the world what’s RIGHT about living in Israel Let your Voices be heard.
Thank you to all those who included their Shana Tova greetings in this issue. Enjoy your yomanim! Your support of Voices gives us the encouragement to continue, even in difficult times. Your kindness will always be remembered. IY”H, here’s to a year of brotherhood and a year of building - our nation, our towns, our families, our spiritual selves and ultimately Our Holy Temple.
Shana Tova. IY”H, 5770 is going to be great. Let’s keep sharing good news. Please click on voices-magazine.com and help us tell the world what’s RIGHT about living in Israel Let your Voices be heard.
Sharon Katz
If I get courageous enough to post it, you can watch a video-version of the Editorial on http://www.voices-magazine.com/ .
I belong to an International Circle of women saying Psalms (Tehillim - in Hebrew) for those who are ill. Because the new year is coming up, our circle will be especially concentrating prayers on G-d's healing the sick.
This morning, I told my fellow listmates, on our community list, that if they wished, they could send me their list of ill (cholim - in Hebrew) . Well, within minutes, I received dozens upon dozens of names.
Friends, there are so many problems in the world - political, social, economic, environmental. We can sigh about them, or we can do our best to fix them.
But one thing is clear - THE HEALTH OF OUR FRIENDS & LOVED ONES is the most important factor in our lives. That is a very beautiful quality in our people, and all people - the kind and caring heart that wishes well-being to those we care about.
As the new year approaches, my blessings to you for good health for those whom you cherish.
This morning, I told my fellow listmates, on our community list, that if they wished, they could send me their list of ill (cholim - in Hebrew) . Well, within minutes, I received dozens upon dozens of names.
Friends, there are so many problems in the world - political, social, economic, environmental. We can sigh about them, or we can do our best to fix them.
But one thing is clear - THE HEALTH OF OUR FRIENDS & LOVED ONES is the most important factor in our lives. That is a very beautiful quality in our people, and all people - the kind and caring heart that wishes well-being to those we care about.
As the new year approaches, my blessings to you for good health for those whom you cherish.
Welcome Readers
Dear Readers,
My first blog is a blessing to each and every one of you - a blessing for a happy, healthy, safe and peaceful new year.
May it be a year of unity for the Jewish People and the supporters of Israel. Only through unity (achdut - in Hebrew) can positive outcomes arise from our personal and communal efforts.
I hope you'll visit my blog and my website www.voices-magazine.com and find out what's RIGHT about living in Israel.
Shana Tova.
My first blog is a blessing to each and every one of you - a blessing for a happy, healthy, safe and peaceful new year.
May it be a year of unity for the Jewish People and the supporters of Israel. Only through unity (achdut - in Hebrew) can positive outcomes arise from our personal and communal efforts.
I hope you'll visit my blog and my website www.voices-magazine.com and find out what's RIGHT about living in Israel.
Shana Tova.
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