If it's happening in Efrat, we'll tell you about it.
AND DON’T FORGET TO check the charges of the different programs.
On Tuesday, November 29, Efrat residents went to court once again for the class action suit against the Electric Company, who claimed there was only one black out in Efrat and Gush Etzion since the last hearing on June 19. Everyone watching this knows there have been many! A few weeks ago, the morning blackout had men praying Shacharit in freezing pitch black synagogues and folks stuck inside the electric gates of their towns, unable to leave for work.
Just this week, there were three long black outs.
Yechiel Fishman, organizer of the class action suit, told What's Up Efrat that the Electric Company has many lawyers and can push off the suit, but they cannot push off the inevitable. "It has been like David and Goliath," Yechiel said. "We are small, but we are smart and patient, and IY"H, in the end, justice will be on our side."
On April 16th, the judge is set to rule whether she will allow the class action suit to continue. Stay tuned.
Some cultural news – this past week the Matnas of Efrat and the Matnas of Gush Etzion inaugurated a joint Children’s Theater program. Congratulations to the two Matnasim and their directors for working together for the benefit of all the residents of Efrat and Gush Etzion.
Their first show was CASPION, the Little Fish – a real crowd pleasure. We look forward to more joint programs in the future!!!Eitam news!! The government has approved in principle the establishment of agricultural projects on Givat HaEitam. This is a first step in a long series of advances needed for the Eitam. We must keep visiting the Eitam and make it part of our Efrat lives.
Friday morning, 6 Kislev, 2/12
As part of the weekly activities on Efrat's Givat Eitam, HaRav Shlomo Riskin will give a shiur at 9 AM in Hebrew on "Israel's Holiness – Dependent on What?" Meet at the Eitam gate at 8:45 AM.
Motzei Shabbat, 7 Kislev, 3/12
The Matnas of Efrat presents an evening for 25-35 year olds, the screening of newest episodes of the TV series "Serugim", followed by a discussion with series creator and director Laizy Shapira. 8 PM at the Matnas. Plus coffee, cake and schmoozing.
Also Motzei Shabbat, the older set is invited to the Matnas for a talk and a film presented by David Bedein on his new book, "Where has all the Flour Gone", a look at UN Palestinian refugee policy. 8 PM at the Efrat Library, admission free.
Tuesday, 10 Kislev, 6/12
Book club at the Efrat Library discussing the book, Three Wisemans of Westport in English. 8:15 PM, everyone welcome. For info, contact Naava 0528903828.
Thursday, 12 Kislev, 8/12
Matnas Gush Etzion invites the theater-going public to the "Dybbuk", 9 PM. Info?
Friday, 13 Kislev, 9/12
9 AM on the Eitam, Dr. Baruch Sterman speaks about the Mystery of Techelet.
And from 10 AM to noon, visit the Fourth Annual Zayit Raanan Chanukah Fair. Find beautiful Chanukah gifts by talented local artists.
Monday, 16 Kislev, 12/12
The Efrat Social Services Department is hosting a Chanukah event on Monday afternoon for families of special needs children. Contact Sharona Blank, sbzblank@gmail.com. Tuesday, 17 Kislev, 13/12
Comedy for Koby takes the stage in Matnas Gush Etzion with an impressive lineup of some of the favorite performers in the stand-up world. Proceeds to the Koby Mandell Foundation. Tickets? tickets@djwconsult.com Wednesday, 18 Kislev, 14/12
Enjoy a Chanukah fair with arts, gifts and food in Alon Shvut. Contact Caryn Orbach, orbachuc@gmail.com. Friday, 20 Kislev, 16/12
Ronen Shoval, chairman of Im Tirtzu, speaks at 9 AM on the Eitam on "The Deligitimization of Israel."
Motzei Shabbat, 21 Kislev, 17/12
Don't miss the second concert in Gush Etzion's "Classika BaGush" series – the internationally acclaimed Gorfinkel Duo on clarinet with Alexandra Nemirovsky on Piano. 8:30 PM. A fabulous performance.
Another event: You're invited to an evening of Jewish Poetry Reading by Yakov Azriel from his new book Swimming in Moses' Well: Poems on Numbers, in the home of Mindy Barad. 8 PM. More info: maber4kids@yahoo.com
Monday, 23 Kislev, 19/12 You're invited to a Chanukah Fair at Matnas Efrat from noon to 10 PM. Top designer clothing, jewelry, scarves, knitwear, photography, hats, toys, candles, children's clothes, bags, cosmetics, games, books, great food by Duo Café and children's activities.
On Wednesday evenings, Efrat's Social Service Department and Educational Psychology Service invites parents from Efrat and Gush Etzion of elementary school children on the autistic spectrum to a new support group from 8-9:30 PM in Efrat's Center for Parent Empowerment. Contact Sharona Blank – 993-9315.
Wednesday, 25 Kislev, 21/12
The Efrat library presents Chanukah Stories and activities for children. 1 NIS!! At the Library.
Also Wednesday, Women and girls are invited to the Matnas Efrat Annual Chanukah Dance Recital at 5:30 PM. The Dance Department of the Matnas Efrat, headed by Tehilla Makover, puts on a terrific show with all kinds of dance. Don't miss it.
Thursday-Motzei Shabbat, 26-28 Kislev, 22-24/12
From Thursday through Motzei Shabbat, Efrat is inviting parents and teens to a few days of bonding REFRESH – through activities that will strengthen communication and family relationships. Contact the Moetza for more information.
Thursday, 26 Kislev, 22/12
The Zayit Branch of Efrat's Matnas presents the children's show Petunia's Goose at 11 AM.
Sunday, 29 Kislev, 25/12
Minister of Culture Limor Livnat presents a Chanukah gift to the children of Efrat, a free performance of the famous tale, "Hamefuzar M'kfar Azar", for children from gan through 3rd grade. Parents pay 10 NIS. 11 AM at the Gefen Matnas.
Monday and Tuesday, 30 & 31 Kislev, 26 &27/12
The library presents arts and crafts activities for children for 1 NIS. Wow.
There will be jumping castles for the kids at the Zayit Matnas.
Tuesday evening, there's also Hadlakat Nerot Chanukah and an Erev Shira in Russian in the Ulam Rakefet of the Gefen Matnas at 6 PM.
A new Thursday evening Drama Ulpan has just begun at 8:30 PM in the Efrat Emergency Center. Develop your Hebrew vocabulary and boost your confidence through role playing scenarios that reflect every day life.
Lastly, the Efrat Women's Health Center will begin its second season of healthy living workshops after Chanukah. For more information, contact Dr. Tsipi Morris. Or read my blog: www.aimwellwomen.blogspot.com. Thanks for joining us for this edition of What's Up, Efrat?
Here's to Good news!!!