- A couple in Tel Aviv apparently attempted a terror attack on a Dan Bus. - Jpost
- Obama wants to welcome Bibi to the White House. You might think this is great, but chas v'shalom, who knows what Bibi might be forced to do to get back into Obama's good graces. I was happier when they weren't pals.
- The 443 is opening to Arab traffic endangering the lives of tens of thousands of Jews in the Modiin region, and with threats that this is a precursor to opening the Betunia-Ramallah bypass road, which would threaten the towns of Dolev, Talmon, Nachliel, Halamish.
- Bet Yonatan is going to be sealed and then....
- Israel National News reports that Jews for J are making a big missionary push this summer, chas v'shalom, the biggest since 1948. Right now they're making a concerted effort to missionize to Jews in Ramat Gan, Petach Tikvah, and Herzliya. There's so much more missionary activity in Israel, as we speak, it's frightening. - http://www.jewishisrael.com/
- World-wide anti-semitism is on the rise, big time - http://myrightword.blogspot.com/2010/05/hate-thats-out-there.html In fact, blogger Yisrael Medad points to another blog on the subject. This week, I wrote about the Jewish-Israel connection to the Israeli Day Parade. Well, Atlas Shrugs saw a different angle - Muslims at the Salute to Israel Day Parade. She wrote, "Annihilationists. Notice how this is becoming more common. More mainstream. Jihad and Islamic anti-semitism and kuffarphobia should relegated to the very fringes of society, as the KKK was in the early twentieth century, instead of the tacit approval being given to these barbarians and savages with silence and apology. This is the road to hell. We must change the culture, and fast."
Well, if Israel keeps apologizing for being alive, for fighting its enemies, for closing its borders to Jew-haters and Israel-inciters, for trying to encourage the message of Zionism and a connection to Jewish roots, then of course, haters of Israel will be emboldened and accepted!!
- They not only hate us, but the world is sailing against us, as "100 boats from Gaza set out toward an international anti-Israel flotilla from 40 countries that aims to end the blockade on Gaza. - INN - http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/137704
- Caroline Glick wrote something amazing just today on the two topics directly above, because indeed there is a major correlation between Israel's wimpihood, anti-Semitism and the flotilla. - JPost - http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=176343
- I'm behind in my deadline on the next issue of Voices. Maybe I should stop reading the paper and get to writing one.
Thanks for the mention