Friday, May 21, 2010

Sharon Katz Meets Sharon Katz

Just after the holiday of Purim, I produced a dance extravaganza called DAMES of the DANCE. This was actually, our third season, and the the show portrayed "The 7 Days of Creation."
My choreographers gave me a very unique present after the show - a reflexology appointment with reflexologist Sharon Katz.
She always says that she's THE OTHER Sharon Katz. I'd call her The British Sharon Katz.
Many years ago, at a Women's League meeting I was chairing, a woman came up to me and said, "See you at 9 PM." I said, "What do you mean? The meeting will still be going on at 9 PM." She responded, "What?? I made an appointment with your secretary for 9 PM."
Since I don't have a secretary, and folks are welcome to my office whenever I'm around, this was a confusing conversation. I finally understood that she had a reflexology appointment with someone named Sharon Katz.
I said, "I'm so busy with work and my chesed activities, I surely don't have time to learn reflexology. But that you for thinking I am so talented."
The British Sharon Katz
Well, Sharon Katz really is talented. She's been doing reflexology more than a dozen years in the Wolfson Medical Center. She also volunteers once a week with chemotherapy patients. The reflexology lessens their tensions and their nausea.
While I was lieing on her reflexology table, she told me remarkable stories about how reflexology can help people with tension, back aches and opening their energy channels. It gives one a sense of well-being. And I have to say that as I lie there, I felt very comfortable and calm. (That's a switch for go-go-go-go me.)
She also told me some "Sharon Katz" stories. Like the time someone called her and began going a mile a minute about some important issue, and she kept trying to break in, "You've got the wrong Sharon Katz." She couldn't stop him until he finally took a deep breath.
She also presented me with a receipt that she got many months ago for a bill I had paid. She was saving it for me.
Getting my feet reflexologied by Sharon Katz was a terrific experience, and it was nice to know that (just in case folks confuse us again) that British Sharon Katz really is a terrific woman.

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