I acknowledge all these events as I look back at my own personal week.
On Sunday, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that America staged the 9/11 massacre of 3000 Americans in order to invade Afghanistan. And I packed my performance bag, filled my car with drinks and nosh, and got on stage in the Gush Etzion Theater for the first performance of
DAMES of the DANCE 3 - The 7 DAYS of CREATION. B"H, it was a smash hit.
On Monday, I woke up very late (I'm embarrassed to tell you what time) and my husband took me out to brunch at the
Gush Etzion Winery in order to celebrate the show's success. Meanwhile, Israel said that it's not REALLY going to have negotiations with the Arabs, but periphery talks (which is really the same thing). And we should be happy that we're having those talks, because the Arabs didn't want ANYTHING. In the end they were divided about having these talks or not, but they did us the favor of sitting down at the table with us. However, Abbas' office threatened that we'd better come up with an agreement within four months that will lead to the creation of a new PA State with Eastern Jerusalem as its capital, and Judea and Samaria as its country.
On Tuesday, I had a tap rehearsal
(even though we're performing, we never neglect the basics :) ). Meanwhile Joe Biden came to Israel and said the road map had to be followed, with the destination - a PA State within Israel's borders.
(Hm, who's the boss here - but we've dicussed that before.) And in Nigeria, a Muslim mob axed and hatcheted to death about 500 Christians.
Christians take note: the UN called the pogrom "disturbing".
(It would have been a bit less of a yawn had it been the other way around.)
On Wednesday, I interviewed the owners of the Gush Etzion Winery about the growth of Gush Etzion's wine industry and the winery's latest awards and citations of excellence. (Story to come.) And then I made a video with
Voices' food columnist Sue Epstein on how to use up your chametz in delicious ways. Here's the video:
http://voices-magazine.com/voices-videos.php?id=115At around the same time, the Israel Home Front Command announced that in case of a war if hundreds of thousands of Jews had to be evacuated from their missile-torn homes, the best place to put them would be the towns of Judea and Samaria. Home Front Command said the people of Yesha are so warm, welcoming and caring, they'd be able to absorb their war torn brethren. (Seems to be a bit of confusion. The government wants to destroy many of those self-same communities that the Home Front Command hopes to use as a safe haven. Do you think sending the Jews of Haifa and Sderot to Bet Tzachur or Umm El Fahm would be a good alternative?)
On Thursday night, I was back in my black tights and tap shoes as I got on stage with more than 100 women in
DAMES 3. I wanted to rest up all day, but the Civil Administration had the nerve to burst into Efrat at 5 AM and smash the foundations of a synagogue to be built in Western Dekel. And I had to go out and cover the story.
What timing! Instead of relaxing, I was running around to film the site and interview the Mayor. Here's the video:
http://voices-magazine.com/voices-videos.php?id=116 .
Then Thursday night, hooooray!! What an incredible evening! Efrat Councilwoman Ruth Golan (who was also the guest voice of the Tanach in our production) said, "What positive energy!!!" Unfortunately in Europe, the energy was not as positive. H&M opened its stores in Israel (almost trampling baby carriages in the frenzy) and anti-Israel organizations in Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, the UK, Austria, Canada and Ireland were planning to demonstrate because this European firm was going to make millions of Israeli shekels from us terrible folks. Let's trick them. Let's not buy from H&M and then everyone will be happy.
It's Friday, the morning after our show. One of our cast members has injured her leg, another her hand, and the rest are basking in the glory,
B"H, of positive reviews and loving acclaim. And we magically change from stars to Jewish women preparing for our serene and holy Sabbath. Outside our town, we hear that the "West Bank" has been sealed off, because we're expecting Arab rioting. The reason was last month's designation of Hebron's Me'arat HaMachpelah and the Tomb of Rachel in Bethlehem as national landmarks. That's called a delayed reaction. But if it wasn't that reason, there'd be another. I for one would be thrilled to drive on the roads without Arab cars on it. But I'll tell you a secret. I've already been out shopping today, and there are Arabs
allllll over the roads, so I don't know what kind of shut down was imposed. But, you know what? It sounds good.
The kugels are waiting, but I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you that there are still some tickets left for DAMES 3 at its Matinee performance on March 15 at 5 PM in the Matnas Efrat. It's a fabulous show, B"H, and we're performing especially for mothers and children on Monday. Introduce your child to the love of dance. Join us for a 90-minute escape from the outside world. http://voices-magazine.com/dames_survey.html Shabbat Shalom.
what a delightful distraction in the stress-filled pre-shabbos frenzy. your insights are right on. shabbat shalom