Saturday night - We usually say Shavua Tov on Saturday night (Motzei Shabbat). This year we also say Shana Tova, because today was the Sabbath of all Sabbaths.
Jews the world over have just completed their holiest of days, Yom Kippur, a day of prayer, supplication and fasting. Every synagogue was a wintery scene of waving white. Men and women alike were decked out in their most topping white
kittels (coats), suits, skirts and sweaters. Little children ran in and out of the synagogue in little Pollyana white dresses. White, as white as a lamb, as white as the purest soul, as white as a new sheet of paper for a new year.
Everyone looked beautiful from head to toe. Actually it was the toe that was most interesting on Yom Kippur. Since Jews do not wear leather shoes on Yom Kippur, the holiday's innovation is what they'll wear on their feet to go to
This is what folks fit on their feet this year - sneakers (high tops, slip on and tie), Crocs of every sort and color, fake-leather high heels (didn't look too comfortable), sandals and bedroom slippers.
My daughter and I went the Crocs route - well, if we had to be on our feet all day, we might as well have been comfortable. And we were.
Gmar chatima tova. May you be inscribed in the book of life for a good new year.
I love the shoes pictured here.