Friday, September 3, 2010

A Mother Remembers Kochava Even Chaim

One of our blog's readers remembers her children's teacher Kochava Even Chaim, who was brutally gunned down by Arab terrorists last week near Beit Chaggai. ( )

Kochava Even Chaim, Hashem yikom dama, was my son's ganenet (preschool teacher) two years ago. Working in the gan tikshoret (communication preschool) with ASD kids, is not an easy job. But Kochava made the 45 minute trip every morning and greeted them with a huge smile and the patience of a malach (angel). As anyone who knows ASD kids can imagine, the daily schedule in a gan tikshoret is of supreme importance. Sticking to it can make the difference between a somewhat calm and smooth day for the kids, or a day when the kids all melt down together because of lack of routine. When i started to take my son out on a regular basis to attend a therapy that he needed to receive outside of gan, he was missing kochava's weekly parshat shavua time slot. After a week or so, Kochava informed me that she was changing the entire schedule (a major thing in a gan tikshoret) to enable my son to be present for parshat shavua. 'He loves learning torah so much, it would be a shame for him to miss it', she informed me.You can read anothers mothers words here:

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