Monday, May 7, 2012

Life Begins Again

I love our garden.Every plant and tree added to our garden over the past 16 years have been planted with great thought, anticipation and some even by "mistake"/luck.
Every spring life begins again in our garden.

We began with my husband's dream - a coconut palm right in the middle of the garden. It will never have coconuts, the gardener said, and it will never grow too tall. Coconut palms are not indigenous to this area and don't agree with our climate. We still wanted it.
Three years ago I looked up at our over averagely tall coconut palm and saw little balls hanging on a branch. Coconuts???!!! No. Dates. Dates on our beautiful giant appreciated accidental date palm that now towers over our home.

Etrogim (Citrons)
The front of our home is guarded by three large etrog trees (citrons) that my husband grew from seeds. Their bountiful fruit (used for the holiday of Sukkot) are our pride and joy.
(We've got a date palm growing in the backyard that my husband also grew from seeds. More on that another time.)
Our kumquat tree was as tiny as our children when we planted it 15 1/2 years ago. It has given us a decade of magnificent fruit twice a year to fill the tables of our friends and lived ones.

Last year we added a magnolia. We had fallen in love with its dazzling flowers and shiny green leaves. Magnolias come in many colors. Ours is purple to offset our red and pink roses, and yellow daffodils.

Chinese Date
Last year year while visiting the Walluch's Nursery up north, we bought what I call a Chinese Date. In Hebrew it is called a Shazif. But it comes from China and looks like a date (and taste like a pear), so I'll call it what I want.
On Shabbat while walking through my garden I noticed teensy buds on my Chinese Date. Those will grow into its fruits. B"H many of them. Can you see them? The tiny buds will soon be fruits. All over my garden, B"H, life begins again.
Blessings to all.

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