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In English Fayge Bedell and I have been anchoring the latest news and events in Efrat. In Hebrew Naamit Leavitt and Sophie Amar do the honors.
B"H there's so much news from this area that we can't fit it into a short clip, so this month we've made several.
This video clip discusses the latest NEWS in Efrat:
This video clip discusses the latest NEWS in Efrat:
And here's a video clip detailing upcoming Efrat EVENTS:http://www.voices-magazine.com/index.php?page=inside_page&id=220
To help you follow all the upcoming events, here's a written guide to What's Up, Efrat?
Before we begin, we urge Efrat and Gush Etzion’s institutions to USE the community calendar to avoid conflicting programs. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/efrat-chat/cal
Also, many of the programs below have a charge. Please contact the organizers for further information.
Thursday, November 10, 8 PM, the Matnas of Efrat is showing the award-winning film Ushpizin. It’s in Hebrew with English subtitles. In addition to light refreshments, there’ll be a discussion with Yakov Friedland, director of film and communications at Yeshiva High Neve Shmuel. More info 993-2936.
The committee for the development of the Eitam and Women in Green is holding shiurim and activities on Efrat’s Givat HaEitam just about every week. If you want Efrat to hold on to this hilltop, future home to 2500 families and our next generation, then schedule a
Friday morning for the Eitam. This Friday November 11, 9 AM, Rabbi Baruch Efrati, Rav of the Zayit Raanan shul will speak. Info: 050-5500834.
This week there'll be an uplifting Shlomo Carlebach Shabbat at the Shirat Shlomo Bet Knesset. Tefilla according to the melodies of the late great Rav Shlomo Carlebach, o’h.
Motzei Shabbat, for the active crowd, November 12, there’s a women’s Indance/Zumba Party at Matnas Efrat at 8 PM. Dance the night away to good health!!
For the literary crowd, the Women's Beit Midrash and the Baum Family are sponsoring a poetry reading, Swimming in Moses' Well: Poems on Numbers by Efrat's own poet laureate of the Bible Yaakov Azriel. 8:30 PM at 17 Rechov Tamar, Rimon. Info? 993-8125.
Sunday, November 13, 8 PM an inspirational shiur with the popular Leah Golomb at the Davidovich home, 27 Hagoel, Lev Efrat. Info?
Another poetry event - Tuesday, November 15th at 8:30 PM for poets and poetry lovers. Contact Mindy Barad.
Thursday, November 24, the One Israel Fund presents Efrat's Eve Harow in a trip to Gush Etzion, including Har Gilo, Sde Boaz, Pina Chama and more. Info? 054-570-1548
Motzei Shabbat, November 26, hundreds of Efrat’s children will participate in the culmination of Shabbat Irgun for Bnei Akiva.
Motzei Shabbat, December 3, the Matnas is holding a fun, exciting singles event - NOT TO BE MISSED. Two never-yet-screened episodes of the hit series “Serugim” will be shown, and then there’ll be a discussion with the show’s director Laizy Shapiro. Everyone can shmooze over light refreshments. Young men and women 25-35 – come down to the Matnas, bring your friends. It has all the ingredients of a great evening, and your participation can make sure it is.
Motzei Shabbat, December 10, hundreds of Efrat’s children will participate in the culmination of Shabbat Irgun for Ezra.
Tuesday, December 13, Comedy for Koby will take the stage at Matnas Gush Etzion with an impressive lineup of some of the favorite performers in the stand-up world. There are more dates throughout Israel . For further information, Roy Angstreich, Executive Director.
Tuesday, December 13, Chanukah Gift Fair in Alon Shvut’s Olam Smachot. Information? Caryn Orbach.
Tuesday December 20, Chanukah Fair at the Matnas Efrat - Lots of gifts, household items, toys and fun activities for kids, and of course, food. Contact Sophie Amar 050-7578828
Classics in the Gush opens its fourth season with magnificent classical music. There are fabulous performers throughout the winter. Warm up with the classics. Info at Matnas Gush Etzion, 993-7999.
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