Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Controlling the Avian Flu

Last night's Women's Day events were terrific, except for one thing - a very heavy stench in the air. It seemed like a giant barbecue, but NOT.
On my way home from the Miri Mesika concert in Matnas Gush Etzion, I picked up a hitchhiker. I said, "Ugh. What's with that smell?" He said matter-of-factly, "The kibbutzim are burning their chickens."
He said, "Didn't you know that the avian flu has hit Israel?"
I did not.
He said that the kibbutzim are burning their chickens and trying to save their turkeys. Wow.
Then this morning, I took my daughter back to her Sherut Leumit (national service) post. The car seemed very clean. I mentioned it.
She said, "Oh, we went to Pninat HaGush (the Pearl of the Gush women's beauty/spa shop) in Kfar Etzion last night and as our car approached the kibbutz, they made us go through a pool of water and cleaning chemicals. Then they hosed down the car."
Car wash courtesy of Kfar Etzion.
Well, I'm happy to have a clean car, but the avian flu worries me. It worries MADA (Magen David Adom) as well. They're already sending out advisories that their volunteers must be wary of any flu signs in patients.
May Hashem keep His people healthy and safe.
Don't pet a chicken today.

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