Thirty years after her son
Zachariah Baumel left Yeshivat Har Etzion for reserve duty in the Lebanon War
in 1982, Mrs. Baumel returned to Har Etzion, sat in his place in the Bet
Midrash, and then spoke to students about her son, a Missing-in-Action soldier,
and recalled his connection to his hesder Yeshiva.
Zechariah was captured during the battle of Sultan Yacoub, Lebanon , along
with Yehuda Katz and Zvi Feldman on June 11, 1982, just hours before the
declaration of a cease-fire. The three are still missing, as is pilot Ron Arad.
Over the years, Mrs. Baumel and her late husband, o’h,
traveled the world, following every clue that might lead to information about
their son and his fellow MIAs.
In a country where every family is related to a soldier or
two or four, we all look at young people in uniform as our own.
Since the
Israeli government went to every length to gain the release of kidnapped
soldier Gilad Schalit, we hope they’ve been working ceaselessly for Arad , Katz, Feldman and
Baumel. We pray that Israel
continues to pursue their freedom. And we pray for their salvation.
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